Friday, January 15, 2010

It's just another day

Yeah, I'm a big fan of Sir Paul McCartney, the other Beatles... I can take em or leave em, mostly leave them. As for the title...

The song is about routine, waiting patiently to be swept off your feet, finding one, who comes, and goes the next day... a seemingly passive search for love. It can work, but it's more likely to have you stuck, day in, day out, staring out your window wondering "Why not me." Then there are those of us who chase away a chance at love, who have been badly burned, and now stand outside the fire (to steal another song lyric), yearning to leap into the flames without holding back, but fearful and cautious, who always pull up short. Our excuses are many, and our shields are high. The distance is too far to meet, we don't mesh well, I have my children to think about and I don't want them to get hurt, many covers, excuses, and things, some more valid than others, many are obfuscations designed to protect an injured heart.

I don't know where I'm going with this, it's just kind of rambling and wandering.

Also, Transmetropolitan is amazing, if you haven't read it, pick it up. The trade paperbacks are reasonably priced, and simultaneously hilarious and thought provoking, set in the backdrop of a far-future transhuman earth.

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