Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Work Work Work, it's not hard work, but it can be frustrating. When I get something to post online and it hasn't been proofed, which means it goes back and forth all day for a day or two keeping me from other pressing projects, it gets a little tiresome. But then I think of the people with no jobs, living under bridges in cardboard boxes, or in tent cities because they've lost their homes. And I'm glad for the tedium, the slow process, and glad that I can fill my families needs.

Lets see, shifting gears a little. I've been doing a lot of reading lately. Some light stuff, but more of the heavier stuff. Rereading The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, Faith Precedes the Miracle by Spencer W. Kimball, The Holy Temple by Boyd K, Packer, in the car on the long drives between here and where my ex lives, I listen to either the Book of Mormon on CD, General Conference on my iPod, or Time Vindicates the Prophets a lecture series by Hugh Nibley PHD. I enjoy it, and it gets my thoughts away from the mundane and commonplace, and puts it back on the things I need to focus on. I'm considering a drive down to the Temple this weekend... on Saturday, Friday night the girls and I are going out to see the Hannah Montanna movie. What can I say, my daughters have a big softy for a daddy.

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