Tuesday, April 28, 2009

These are the days

Yesterday was entertaining. I gave blood at the office, got lunch, and a 4 hour time off slip I can use whenever. Got home, and went bowling with my roommate and the girls, well the two that weren't in trouble. The other one had to sit it out and watch. Due to an ankle injury last week, and having given blood from my bowling arm, I sat out the first game; then I rolled in the second, broke 100 points (111), which is unusual if I'm not playing Wii Bowling, and generally had a good time, Erilyn and Carol were very close on points, 3 point difference, and very competitive.

All in all, a very good stable day. Unseasonably warm, and it ended with a viewing of The Lion King, which I haven't seen in years (and fell asleep halfway through), set up on my bed with pillows and blankets to rest on to watch it. Then, little girls got carried to bed, and I fell asleep for the night.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

History, of interest to me

I was doing some light reading the other day, during the mainland China invasion by Japan in the 1930's and 40's before the US began assisting China (which lasted exactly as long as they were useful to us as allies), China emptied the Forbidden City of the Chinese Emperor and sent many of it's artifacts to Taiwan for safekeeping. Not a problem, as it was a Chinese territory, and far enough from Japanese military (and the looting and destruction going on in the rest of the country), to protect the national treasures.

After the war, with US backing, Taiwan declares independence, and the US military, now with convenient bases all over the Pacific and Japan, backs their move. I'm not even going to start the subject of mass lootings by "treasure hunters" from America and Europe in the centuries and decades leading up to that war.

With "friendly" overtures like these towards our "allies" it's no wonder Chairman Mao was elected and adopted Joseph Stalin's communism and "cleansing." Nor that China still hates our guts. We're still the biggest kid on the block though, so it doesn't make sense for them to push us too far, buying our debt and then collecting on it will cripple us enough, especially with the world economy the way it is, heck, one could look at their national industrialization as another tool to undercut Taiwan's production and pricing, drive them into national bankruptcy, and then have them crawl back to China to be saved. But once those treasures are restored, will China need them?

I know I've vastly oversimplified the situation, and there are many more factors involved, but I don't think these are insignificant.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Tonight's plans

I'm taking the special ladies in my life out to see the Hannah Montana Movie, sure to be a cinematic tour de force, and an event to be talked about for weeks after. Or banal, predictable, and uninspired. I'm not sure yet.

Jokes aside, I'm looking forward to this weekend. I'm considering a trip to the temple, it's a long drive, but well worth the trip, every time. If not, there's a ward activity at the church with firemen and later bikes, I'm sure a bike day with the girls would be great for everyone.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fun days at Last

Latest child support payment hasn't come through, not a big surprise, considering it went 8 months without an update before, at the risk of jail time, my ex was forced to get a part time job at McDonalds. I don't plan on the money, nor do I need it. As much as I can, I just bank it for the girls' college. Occasional family/household expenses come out of it, but not much, and not often.

I know I'll be OK, regardless, one of the nice things about not driving 3 hours a day to get to work is much less on gas or turnpike tolls. Money which can instead be spent on, well, anything else.

I know I need to start dating at some point. The cracks in my self esteem are mostly healed from my ex, but the more I think about it, the more I recognize areas where I simply haven't had to look for cracks, because I haven't done anything to address those areas, like interpersonal relationships with potential significant others.

I'm not going to paint myself as some kind of martyr. We were horrible to each other, and a horrible couple. She was physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive, I took as much as I could, and then started flinging back the emotional stress. She would bring up fights dead and gone from years ago, and smash my possessions, or put holes in the walls, and I would withdraw emotionally, and physically. There are times I worked 18 hour days (when I only had one job) simply so that I wouldn't have to go home. When I had two jobs, (most of the marriage) that particular task was accomplished for me, and it was a welcome respite from home life.

I think that's a huge part of the surprise she had when I filed for custody. Because I didn't want to be around her, she assumed I didn't want to be around my children. I love my girls more than anything in the world, and I would not let them remain with that... monster is woefully inadequate a term, but it will have to suffice for now.

So, now, I've got a good job that pays well, is fulfilling, close to my new apartment, I get home in time to get my oldest off the bus, and generally I can't complain. See number 9 for why I start to get worried when I say that.

I wonder if I'll make it back to Idaho this year... I hope I get a visit at least.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Work Work Work, it's not hard work, but it can be frustrating. When I get something to post online and it hasn't been proofed, which means it goes back and forth all day for a day or two keeping me from other pressing projects, it gets a little tiresome. But then I think of the people with no jobs, living under bridges in cardboard boxes, or in tent cities because they've lost their homes. And I'm glad for the tedium, the slow process, and glad that I can fill my families needs.

Lets see, shifting gears a little. I've been doing a lot of reading lately. Some light stuff, but more of the heavier stuff. Rereading The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman, Faith Precedes the Miracle by Spencer W. Kimball, The Holy Temple by Boyd K, Packer, in the car on the long drives between here and where my ex lives, I listen to either the Book of Mormon on CD, General Conference on my iPod, or Time Vindicates the Prophets a lecture series by Hugh Nibley PHD. I enjoy it, and it gets my thoughts away from the mundane and commonplace, and puts it back on the things I need to focus on. I'm considering a drive down to the Temple this weekend... on Saturday, Friday night the girls and I are going out to see the Hannah Montanna movie. What can I say, my daughters have a big softy for a daddy.

Monday, April 13, 2009


In light of the pirate attack on the US freighter, President Obama has said he's going to get tougher on the pirates.

OK, fair enough

But he's been filling his cabinet with RIAA lawyers... Is he going to go after the right pirates? Lawless miscreants and ransomers on the high seas or college kids who illegally download music?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thinking in the dark

Hello my peeps, yeah, it's not dark, and this is probably going to be more of a stream of consciousness posting than anything orderly or purposeful and intense.

Firstly, I'm a member of the LDS Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, aka The Mormons).

Secondly, I'm a single father of 3 lovely young daughters.

Thirdly, I like to talk, if you can find a topic I'm interested in talking about

Fourth, I'm introverted in person, and enjoy listening to other people, learning what makes them tick.

Fifth, if it weren't for my horrible horrible divorce, I might feel bad about being 28, single, with no real romantic prospects or desire for (more) female companionship.

Sixth, I'm a webmaster for a VA Hospital in PA, it's challenging and entertaining work that keeps me busy, and helps me help my family (kids, siblings, and parents).

Seventh, I'm a bit of a recovering nerd. Forgive me.

Eighth, I think I'm smarter than I probably am most of the time. (tested in the 96th % in school, 98 of 99 on my ASVAB, etc etc.)

Ninth, I've learned not to say things are going well for me, as that's usually when the floor drops out and I find myself in an immediate emergency I can't fix by myself.

More will come soon, be patient.